Hello world! I am M Hopkins and I am inquisitive, eager to learn, and friendly. I enjoy a variety of books, games, and movies. Just a few are listed. My current goal is the completion of my degree in software development and re-entry into the job market after my college hiatus!

Recently Read or Played

My Favorite Movies

  1. Jurassic Park
  2. The Mask
  3. Akira

My favorite pictures

Interesting Facts about me!

My favorite games by play method

ComputerNintendoPlaystationPencil & Paper
SkyrimMegaman XMegaman LegendsSavage Worlds
Final Fantasy XIVLegend of Zelda: Breath of the WildArmored Core 2Pathfinder 1st Ed.
StellarisLegend of Zelda: A Link to the PastMegaman Legends 2Shadowrun
Gunfire RebornSuper Mario WorldShadow of the ColossusRifts


My current mood is: